





This post is a writing from a workshop in 2017. Essentially, we were directed to write a love letter to oneself. Reflecting back on it all these years later, it amazes me how 2017 Madison knew exactly  what 2023 Madison needed to hear. In her own voice, nonetheless. I encourage you to swap out names and pronouns to make it applicable to you. Or even better, it inspires you to write a love letter to yourself.—You are loved.

Sara k blanco photography





Madison my dear love,

you are powerful beyond measure.

You are strong and beautiful

tough and empathetic

adventurous and reserved

You are an amazing woman.


An amazing woman who has lived a lot of years in her young life

a lot of feelings, emotions and experiences that make you uniquely you.

Your perserverance and compassion rise above all else.

your heart is so big and so full

you can’t help but want to connect, share and love.

You see the good in people. You see their story. You see what binds them, and what lights them up

Your adventurous spirit has so much more to teach you as long as you are open and willing to listen and follow its lead.


Madison my dear you found yourself in unsuspecting circumstances. Ones that you aren’t proud of but if it weren’t for them happening, you wouldn’t be the awakened and beautiful soul you’ve become.

Your biggest lesson in this life is to learn to let go of shame and expectation, and fully embrace your humanness.

Trust is your biggest teacher and speaking your personal truth is all that matters.

Grace and forgiveness are necessary in your life—two things you are good at offering to others, but not to yourself.





You deserve grace and forgiveness from yourself, too.


Your old soul allows you to see and understand more than most will come to know in their lifetime.

That is a gift.

Fear is your biggest rival but it is through the building of your own backbone and the discovery of your own voice you will overcome it.

You are beautiful.

Sing it. Say it. Pray it. Chant it. Dance it. Write it. Dream it. Embody it.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and capable and deserving  of all that you dream of and connected to the Loving Divine that so many seek.


my dear love,

you can do hard things.


*Artist portraits by Sara K Blanco Photography*


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